
by Luz Maria Martinez


Politics and Power: A Gendered Perspective from South Asia
by Farida Shaheed.

Disempowered Palestenian Girls' Uncommon Death Wishes - Research Sheds Light
by Lina Sagaral Reyes

Occupied Palestine Territories: "Olive Tree Campaign" Gives Purposeful Hope
by Lina Sagaral Reyes

Why We Shouldn't Become Assassins to Defend Our Honor and Get Justice by Killing Bill
by Marianila "Girlie" Villariba

Resurrecting the Goddess: Exploring Powerful (Re)presentation of Women's Bodies
by Ava Vivian Gonzales

Poster on Women and Power
by Aileen Familara

Women's Movement and Media in India: Reshaping Notions of Power
by Kiran Prasad

Isis Resources

Film Review: Cultural Boundaries and Cyberspaces
Reviewed by Rowena Festin

Women do F/LOSS: Isis Migrates to Open Source on Desktop
by Aileen Familara

Reproductive Health Empowerment: A Struggle Against Conservatism
by Tess Raposas

wia cover

Women In Action covers a broad range of issues affecting women globally, but focusing on the particular needs and concerns of women in the Global South, and forwarding a progressive perspective tempered by the experiences of the third world women's movements.

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<communications at isiswomen dot org>