
Rights in Detention in Malaysia
by Zarizana Abdul Aziz

The Invisibility of Women Prisoners' Resistance
by Vikki Law

Girls in a Playground Called Prison
by Zelda Soriano

Portraits of Sadness and Survival: Women in Prison
by Kathleen Pelasi

The Criminalisation of Women
Summarised by Luz Maria Matinez

Re-defining Warrior: Terms of Struggle for Women Abolitionists
by Sharon Luk

Grief in Gaol: Indigenous Women's Incarceration Problems in Australia
by Libay Linsangan Cantor

The Silenced Few: Non-English Speakers in Prison
by Debbie Kilroy

Loving in the War Years: Support for Black Women in Detention
by Christina Wilson

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Women In Action covers a broad range of issues affecting women globally, but focusing on the particular needs and concerns of women in the Global South, and forwarding a progressive perspective tempered by the experiences of the third world women's movements. We'd like to hear from you!
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<communications at isiswomen dot org>