
Get In and Get In Early: Ensuring Women's Access to and Participation in ICT Projects
by Nancy J. Hafkin and Sonia Jorge

Moulding ICT to Their Needs: Kerala's Women Overcome Their Misgivings
by Prema Nair

Women Connect! Case Study of an Alternative Communication Model
by Doe Mayer and Barbara Pillsbury

ICT Application in Latin America: From Information to Knowledge Building
by Angela Castellanos

Internet Cafes: Connectivity for the Masses?
by Roberto Verzola

Girls with Digital Diaries: Empowernment Issues
by Claire Villacorta

Telecentres for Universal Access: Engendered Policy Options
by Sonia Jorge

Gender Issues in Information Technology Communication
by Esther Kuntjara

The Right to Communicate: New Challenges for the Women's Movement
by Sally Burch

The World Summit on the Information Society and the WOmen's Agenda
by Libay Linsangan Cantor


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Women In Action covers a broad range of issues affecting women globally, but focusing on the particular needs and concerns of women in the Global South, and forwarding a progressive perspective tempered by the experiences of the third world women's movements. We'd like to hear from you!
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<communications at isiswomen dot org>