
Disabled? Sorry We Can't Afford It?
by Kylie Young and Eloise Finlay

Developing the Gender Dimension in India's Disability Rights Movements
by Sakshi Broota Hosamane

Breakdown of Tribal Culture Further Marginalises Women With Disabilities
by Charles Wachira

Girls and Women With Disabilities Speak Out
by Dinah Radtke

Women With Disabilities are Empowering  Themselves
by Anneli Joneken

Body as Bane: Women and Disabilities in Indian Patriarchy
by Chitra Radhakrishnan

Disability and Diversity: Challenges to Normalisation and Sameness
by Susan Hawthorne

The Internet Empowers Women With Disabilities
by Inge Komardjaja

Disablement and Feminisation of Poverty
by Maria Barile

Disabled Women's Lives
by Alessandra lantaffi

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Women In Action covers a broad range of issues affecting women globally, but focusing on the particular needs and concerns of women in the Global South, and forwarding a progressive perspective tempered by the experiences of the third world women's movements. We'd like to hear from you!
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<communications at isiswomen dot org>