Through this three-year evaluative research entitled “A Study to Examine the Most Effective Tools of Information and Communication Used by Intermediary Groups to Reach Grassroots Women in Asia and the Pacific,” Isis International-Manila and its research partner organisations (RPOs) attempt to interrogate the strictly new-Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)-centric framework which predominates gender and ICT development work today.
The study aims to understand the dynamics between the use of new ICTs and other tools and channels of communication used by intermediary groups in five countries in Asia and the Pacific to effectively transmit information that grassroots women need for their development and empowerment. The project is being conducted in collaboration with the following RPOs:
(i) Aalochana Centre for Documentation and Research on Women (Aalochana), India
(ii) The Civil Media Development Institute (CMDI), Thailand
(iii) FemLINK Pacific: Media Initiatives for Women (FemLINKPACIFIC), Fiji
(iv) Health, Education, Sustainable Livelihood and Participation for All (HELP) Resources, Inc., Papua New Guinea