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A summary of the regional review of progress implementing BPfA
The Civil Society Forum on Beijing+20, supported by UN Women, begins tomorrow November 14, 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand. Women activists from across the Asia and Pacific region will discuss what their governments have done or not to achieve gender equality and women and girls empowerment in the past 20 years after the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA).
States reported the progress and remaining challenges on the 12 critical areas of concern to the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)—the entity charged with monitoring the implementation of the BPfA across the Asia and Pacific region. According to UNESCAP, Cambodia, Indonesia, North Korea, Lao, Malaysia, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Vietnam did not take part in the review process. They did not answer the Regional Survey nor did they present a National Review Report. Eighteen countries responded to both the survey and presented a report and 16 others did one or the other. Click here to see which countries responded to UNESCAP's Regional Survey and/or presented a National Review Report.
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On November 14, 2014, over 400 feminist women activists working on women's rights will meet in Bangkok at the Asia-Pacific CSO Forum on Beijing+20 (APCSOB20) to discuss what their governments have done to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. Activists from across the region will note if the reported progress by States has been sufficient and what States should be doing to tackle the challenges that remain on the 12 critical areas of concern identified twenty years ago in the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA).
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Read the Final report: Asia Pacific CSO Forum on Beijing+20
Read the full CSO Forum Statement
Listen to the Plenary Session 1: Our lives 20 years on here
Listen to podcasts from the CSO Forum here
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