
  • 02WiA2009 cover150dpi
    Isis International's Women in Action Issue #2009-2

    WomenGenderConstituencyAs we head into the last negotiations session before COP21, the WGC has drafted a Statement in reaction to the co-Chairs ‘Non-Paper’.

    A ‘Non-Paper’ for a ‘Non-Effective’ ‘Non-Just’ ‘Non-Equal’ Climate Agreement

    On October 5th 2015, the co-Chairs of the ADP process released a new “Non-Paper” document including a draft of the Paris agreement and a draft of the COP decision, to be both adopted at COP21 in December 2015 in Paris.

    The WGC one of the nine official constituencies accredited to the UNFCCC, comprised of women’s rights, feminist organizations and networks representing thousands of groups and individuals, wants to express its profound concern about this new ‘non-paper’ which aims to act as a basis for negotiations on the new climate agreement.

  • Gender and Climate Change: Toolkit  for Women on Climate Change

    A Global People's Climate Mobilization is taking place on September 20 and 21, just before the historic summit on climate change that is bringing heads state to New York City for a historic summit on climate change. In New York City there will be an unprecedented climate mobilisation – in size, beauty, and impact. This moment will not be just about New York or the United States. Heads of state from around the world will be there, as will the attention of global media.

  • NEW from Isis International!

    GenderClimateChangeToolkit_iconGender and Climate Change: Toolkit for women on Climate Change

    This toolkit on Gender and Climate Change is part of an important endeavour by Isis International to explore innovative and strategic ways to communicate gender justice and climate justice issues, especially from Southern feminist perspectives.
