Carole Shaw
APWW / JERA International
It is Day 4 of CSW and the end of the week. Many of the participants return home to their countries this weekend, so the last minute dash to Macy’s sale is on and government delegates, dazed and brain dead after the afternoon of the first run through the text of the outcomes document head out into the cold evening to relieve the stress for a few hours.
Workshops and networking meetings occur throughout the weekend and those who thought they had time to lie in and get some sleep suddenly find themselves invited to speak on various topics.
Today I saw Ms Michelle Bachelet, new head of UN Women speak at yet another function. She spoke at the UN Women luncheon (formerly UNIFEM luncheon) which took place in the UN Canteen. I have to admire her stamina as this week she has moved fluidly from function to function, talking and smiling – pushing the agenda and strategies of UN Women. This weekend she is meeting with NGO representatives from the 5 different regions of the world.
This meeting was discussed at the Asia Pacific Caucus meeting today when the Caucus was invited to share their thoughts on what the key points for the region should be to talk with Ms Bachelet. These points will be reported on following the meeting with Ms Bachelet.
There continues to be a push for national action plans on UNSCR 1325 and a great deal of lobbying is happening around this issue. Nepal launched their NAP this week – a NAP that has a high level of consultation with civil society. In an Asia Pacific workshop today on Women and children in Armed conflict areas, Anjana Shakya presented some innovative techniques to work with women and children to address issues faced during conflict and to move the agenda forward. Her art work project has allowed young women to express in their own images their story and to develop personal and joint strategies to move forward on key issues affecting their lives.
As the week ends, the meetings and workshops become a blur and the lens refocuses on the negotiation of the text. The first read through was in open session. I understand all following sessions will be in closed session.
A good weekend to you all… see you Monday.