One such endeavour is the creation of new mailing lists that specifically address women's ICT issues that directly affect them. The latest gender-oriented mailing list to come up is from the group Women in Global Science and Technology. This group would like to announce the creation of a new mailing list called <ICTsforRuralWomen>. This will serve as an information and announcement list which circulates information on resources, events and organisations working on issues related to how women can use ICTs to support their grassroots productive enterprises.
The topics on the list include:
- information on productive technologies to reduce the burden of domestic chores or increase the productivity and quality of their enterprises;
- information on prices and markets and other forms of small enterprise support, such as training and product monitoring;
- women's needs for appropriate technologies;
- developing appropriate software packages and training women how to use them;
- extension services and commercial producers to assist with translating information into action;
- linking the use of ICTs with other communications strategies such as radio and church meetings to expand the outreach of information available;
- monitoring impact of strategies for widespread replication of pilot projects; and
- documentation of best practices and packaging of results for policy makers, development practitioners and women themselves.
Other topics will be listed depending on the threads of discussion on the list. To subscribe, send a message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the following command in the body of your message: subscribe ictforruralwomen your email address.
To post announcements and information on the list, send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..