- PrepCom II provides a mandate to the president of the PrepCom to supervise the intersessional process including the convening of a formal open-ended intergovernmental drafting group to a five-day meeting to be convened in July 2003. The PrepCom II gives the mandate to the drafting group to advance negotiations. This meeting should be open to observers within the rules of procedure of the PrepCom.
- PrepCom II requests the chairperson of the working group of Sub-committee 2 to consolidate the comments received until 28 February 2003 into the basic working document as approved in the report of Sub-committee 2. These documents shall be consolidated, refined and drafted in the traditional UN summit format and language. These documents shall be put on 21 March 2003 on the WSIS website.
- PrepCom II decides to set up an intersessional mechanism based on the membership of the bureau to refine further the documents for the meeting of the above-mentioned drafting group. The outcome of each meeting will be put on the WSIS website.
- The final outcome of the intersessional mechanism will be the basic working document for the discussion of the July meeting.
- Further comments to the basic working document may be submitted electronically by the end of May. All comments shall be put on the WSIS website.
- PrepCom II provides a mandate to the secretariat to prepare a reference document that contains the comments referred to in paragraph 5, and which easily identifies where these contributions may be included in the basic working document.
- PrepCom III will consist of two full weeks of negotiations of all issues related to the Summit. All documents (agenda, time management plan, etc) should be circulated in advance of PrepCom III.
- Text coming from PrepCom III should be sufficiently mature to guide leaders’ preparation for the Summit.
- A roadmap to the Geneva phase of the Summit will be developed by the executive secretariat and the host government and circulated as soon as possible. The roadmap will include:
- description of substantive preparations for Summit
- description of all parallel activities related to the Summit