For those who wish to join the first phase of the WSIS on 10-12 December 2003 in Geneva, Switzerland, the registration process is now open.

Registration for the summit will be done via a password protected online form. Each delegation, organisation or entity should designate a Focal Point to whom ITU/WSIS Accreditation & Registration Service will provide access to the on-line registration system.

General information about online registration is here: The application form for registering a designated focal point is here:

Once you have submitted the form, the designated focal point will receive a username, password and link to a customized form for online registration. The designated focal point is responsible for registering ALL delegates online.

Please note, however that entry to the official political Summit and Hall 2 is limited to accredited organisations. Since the accreditation process for the Geneva Summit has lapsed, organisations may register under an accredited organisation. Just remember that it's still the accredited organisation's prerogative to extend the opportunity to your organisation. For a complete copy of the accredited organisations, visit this link

Grant Fellowships

To facilitate the participation of civil society entities from developing countries, a limited number of fellowships are available. Applicants must register (as per the above), and be in receipt of acknowledgement, before applying for a fellowship.

Criteria for the selection process

  • The candidate must be accredited
  • The candidates must have completed the online application for fellowship. (Forms which are uncompleted or are received after the deadline will be rejected)
  • The candidates must have faxed the registration form to the Summit
  • Effective contributions to the drafts of the plan of action or declaration.
  • Priority will be given to candidates from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to the maximum of 60% of available funds, candidates from developing countries and countries in transition will be equally considered to a maximum of 40% of available funds.
  • Active participation in the WSIS process (at the international or the national level)
  • Candidate's professional experience and position and their relevance to the WSIS 1st phase agenda
  • Geographical distribution
  • Gender balance (women candidates encouraged)
  • Diversity of stakeholders, civil society "families" balance Entitlements of selected participants
  • International air travel round-trip to Geneva from the capital of the candidate's country selected and pre-paid by the Civil Society Division of the Executive Secretariat via the most direct and economical route.
  • Daily allowance for meals, accommodation and incidental expenses for the duration of the meeting (Fellows have to book accommodation by their own). No additional daily allowance will be paid for alternative lodging.

Applications for grants must be received by 25 October 2003.

Only successful candidates will be informed of their selection during the first two weeks of November.

Guidelines for the Fellowship:

Application form: