The World Association of Former United Nations Internes and Fellows (WAFUNIF) is holding a Symposium on the theme, "How to Upgrade the Communication Infrastructure and Improve the Quality of Life in Developing Countries." It will be held on 9-10 December 2003 at the Palexpo Exhibition Center in Geneva, the same venue as the WSIS. Several UN bodies and the Alliance Forum are co-operating in its convening.

The Symposium is designed to address the feasibility of creating effective policies and multi-stakeholder partnerships to enable all countries, especially developing countries and economies in transition, to benefit from the ICT revolution. Emphasis will be given to examining the emerging paradigm shift from the personal computer to the pervasive ubiquitous communication platform based on embedded software and hardware and fundamental broadband IT technologies.

Panelists will address mechanisms for engaging in such a shift and for upgrading the communication infrastructure of developing countries for a fraction of the traditional cost through exchange of experience from real experience in a number of Asian countries. The format will be an opening plenary with panel presentations followed by open discussion, two plenary working sessions, two simultaneous workshops, and a closing session. T

he Symposium welcomes the participation of members of delegations to the WSIS, representatives of the UN system, civil society, the business sector, other specialized groups, particularly those specializing in the telecommunications infrastructure and innovation industries. Among the critical areas identified by PrepCom2 of the WSIS in the Draft Action Plan (WSIS/PC-2/12(Rev.1)-E, of 28 February 2003, paragraphs 4 and 5 on page 20, and paragraph 10, on page 21, are most germane in informing the Symposium's rationale. WAFUNIF is seeking the cooperation of several UN bodies in convening the Symposium (ITU, UNDPEPA, UNDP, ILO, and UNCTAD).

More information about the WSIS and related Summit Events, including practical information (such as accommodation, transportation, passport and visa etc.) may be obtained at the following websites:

Registration deadline: 14 October 2003

Contact person: Professor Juan Ramon Avila.
WAFUNIF Headquarters
fax: +1-212-963-4609
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.