
These articles originally appeared on we!, our weekly newsletter.

As the WSIS Intersessional Period in Paris, France is taking place this mid-July 2003, several WSIS-oriented regional efforts are also taking place. Also, new developments and links are continuing to be created which help civil society have a more solid voice at the WSIS.


These articles originally appeared on we!, our weekly newsletter.

A "call for NGO signatures" document-campaign has been recently circulated among WSIS-involved civil society organisations which was spearheaded by Rik Panganiban from the World Federalist Movement.


These articles originally appeared on we!, our weekly newsletter.

This issue will feature several updates on civil society efforts at the WSIS.

In order to grant requests of people who have been asking for more details of existing regional caucuses and thematic working groups related to the WSIS, the moderators of the civil society plenary mailing list have begun collating these resources. This information has been posted in a list at the following link: http://www.wsis-cs.org/content.htm. So far, only those who are actively involved in the mailing list are included in the tally. The organisers are hoping to complete all the contact details of the ones already listed, and would like to add a one-paragraph "purpose" statement. Those who are involved in these caucuses and thematic groups are encouraged to participate in the mailing list and to give the appropriate information as stated above. Send a mail to to subscribe to the list.


These articles originally appeared on we!, our weekly newsletter.

Civil society organisations are continuing their efforts in sending inputs for the official draft WSIS Declaration and Plan of Action.


These articles originally appeared on we!, our weekly newsletter.

The Civil Society Bureau (CSB) was created during Prepcom-2, the role of which is to facilitate civil society participation in the WSIS process.


These articles originally appeared on we!, our weekly newsletter.

Much work has been by civil society groups in the past two weeks to incorporate their voice (and having it heard) at the recently concluded Second Preparatory Meeting (PrepCom-2) of the WSIS in Geneva, Switzerland (17-28 February)