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we! is the current events information service of Isis International.

we! provides the latest information on the issues, campaigns, conferences, training opportunities, funding possibilities and other goings-on in the women's movement. It also provides updates on national, regional and international events organised by NGOs, government bodies and multilateral agencies that impact women.

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July 2010

Creation of UN Gender Entity sparks celebrations and cautious optimism among women

Women keep watchful eye on new Philippine President on Reproductive Health Issues

Recognising Women's Strength and Challenges in Building Cultures of Peace: An Agenda of Peace and Development Actors

AMARC Deplores Murder of Community Radio Worker

April 2010

Islamic fundamentalists threaten ILGA-Asia conference in Indonesia

Impact of financial crisis on women, feminist movement and their views

Film festival to mark International Women's Day in Ahmadabad

Finding the gender balance at AMARC Asia Pacific