Beating Violence Against Women
The problem of violence against women has no borders and comes in different forms, from mail-order brides to battered wives, from rape to prostitution. The problem is broad and difficult to reckon with, and more so the search for solutions. p9

No Safe Place
by Naina Kapur
The family—site of some of the worst forms of abuse today—remains key to preventing domestic violence. p12

Remember the Children
by Rosemary L. Bray
How does one compute the total effect of abusive fathers and petrified mothers as the children grow up? p16

No Excuse
An interview by
Ma. Victoria Carbrera-Balleza

An interview with Leni Marin, senior program specialist of the US-based Family Violence Prevention Fund p20

Prostitution as Choice
by Cecilia Hoffman
Others say some women do choose to be in prostitution, and such consent makes them "less a victim." Valid argument? p24

Migrant Worker Held Hostage
by Nancy Pearson Arcellana

Alone in a foreign land, unfamiliar with either the language or the territory, migrant workers usually find themselves trapped into prostitution by their employers. In such instances, solidarity groups play a crucial role. p27


Unaccounted Costs: of nannies, maids and domestic help
The story of a Filipina domestic helper in Singapore who was executed for killing her friend and her friend's ward highlights the utter lack of protection of the basic rights of migrant women workers everywhere.p53

One More Filipina in Prison

Violence at Japan's Immigration Detention Centers

Center for Women in Crisis in Pakistan

Expert on Sexual Torture Takes on State Violence
by Luz Maria Martinez
An interview with Dr Yahika Yuksel, a socialist-feminist and human rights
activist based in Turkey p61

The Solution to Rape
an editorial from Fiji

The Fiji Women's Crisis Center
by The Women's Crisis Collective

A profile of a group that provides counselling and legal/medical support to women and children survivors of violence p65

Support Work for Prostituted Women
by Kathleen Maltzhan
A profound change akin to a "burning inside" takes place in NGO workers
dealing with prostituted women, after they see for themselves the range of men who treat women as commodities.

Love Shouldn't Hurt
by Rosalee Telela
A SPEAK interview with Africa's MMatshilo Motsei, an organizer of a support
group for battered women and herself a survivor of violent abuse p70


Special Feature:
Men Carving Out Solutions

In Progress
Some men in Korea have formed such groups as The Group of Wish-to-be-Good Fathers in the hope of providing role models to their own children. p72

Men for Gender Awareness
A Thai group composed of government officials, teachers, monks, lawyers, artists and NGO workers aims to achieve a better understanding of themselves, of other men, and of relationships between men and women. p73

Men Changing Men
by Robert L. Allen and Paul Kivel
A Ms. article from the two leaders
of the California-based Oakland Men's Project which is dedicated to eradicating male violence, racism and homophobia p74


News and Notes p3

In Action
Fiery, Tireless Grandmother
An interview by Luz Maria Martinez
A profile of Rosa Roisinblit, vice-president of the Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, a group of grandmothers
in Argentina pursuing the search for loved ones lost to the vicious military regime of the '70s p7

Resource Center Update p31

  • From the Isis Shelves
  • New Releases
  • Poetry
  • Book Reviews
  • Recipes, Clicks, Ideas, Puns

Health Update p77

Bulletin Board p78


In A Different Way
by Luz Maria Martinez
An interview with Dr Nguyen Kim Cue, chief of international relations of the Vietnam Women's Union p79


Women In Action covers a broad range of issues affecting women globally, but focusing on the particular needs and concerns of women in the Global South, and forwarding a progressive perspective tempered by the experiences of the third world women's movements.
On the cover: The Kumari-the liuing Goddess
by Salome S. Russell from Women Artists Diary 1995.
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