Women and Environment

Ecofeminism p8

The Chipko Embrace p10

Indian Women in Defence of Forests p11
by Malini Chand Sheth

Africa's Food Crisis: Price of Ignoring Village Women? p12
by Sithembiso Nyoni

Women's Walk p13

Malaysia: After the Malacca Water Crisis p14

Problems with the Danube River in Bulgaria p15
by Eugenia Marinova

Kilimanjaro Land: An Environmental Burden for Women p16
by Magdalena Ngaiza

Interview with a Brazilian Agriculturist p17

Packaging: Consumer Pressure Works! p18

Beyond Global Housekeeping p19
by H. Patricia Hynes

Natural Cleaners:
Cheaper and more Environment-friendly p21

What Should I Wear? p22
by Bernadette Vallely

The Ecology Movement Targeting Women
for Population Control p24
by Betsy Hartmann

Women and Health

Aids and the Worldwide Community of Women p25

HIV/AIDS Crisis Centre p28

Women and Poetry

A Call for New Directions p29
by Jane Kesno


Conference News

Miami: Report from the Healthy Planet Congress p30
by Elizabeth Thomas and Dominga Anosan

Women Prepare for UNCED in June 1992 p31

Global Forum: The Earth Summit p32

Update on UNCED p33

Upcoming Conferences p34

Regular Features
Networks p36
Resources p42
Isis Currents p46

Women In Action covers a broad range of issues affecting women globally, but focusing on the particular needs and concerns of women in the Global South, and forwarding a progressive perspective tempered by the experiences of the third world women's movements.

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