Philippine legislators who are close allies to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo are pushing for the abolition of the presidential form of government to pave the way for the adoption of a parliamentary system with a unicameral legislature through the amendment of the 1987 Constitution.


Activists say that the President is using this move to extend her term by not pushing through with the planned elections in May 2007. According to critics, amendment in the Charter without adhering to the prescribed procedures could result in the subversion of the people’s sovereign will and the discarding of the Constitution.

In line with this, on December 7, 2006, the International Studies Society and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Youth Club of Miriam College have released a joint statement opposing the planned constitutional amendment (see below).

Young Women and Students Unite Against the CON-ASS

We, young women and students belonging to the International Studies Society and UNESCO Youth Club of Miriam College, raise our voices along with others in condemning the self-serving action of pro-GMA [Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo] administration legislators of the lower house when they decided with haste early this morning to reconstitute themselves into a Constitutional Assembly [CON-ASS]. We fully and completely reject the government’s CON-ASS and CHA-CHA [Charter Change] projects because these are propelled by narrow political interests and are being pushed by an administration that is facing serious legitimacy crisis. If indeed the Philippines stand for a “caring and sharing community” as its officials claim in the context of the ASEAN [Association of South East Asian Nations] Summit that it is hosting this coming week, our politicians should instead be focusing their efforts at providing for the victims of super typhoon Reming and protecting rather than violating the rights of those who fight for justice. And if indeed the members of the Lower House of Congress reflect the true spirit of Christmas, they should be fostering compassion and gifting rather than make a mockery of democracy and a fool of all Filipinos.

We urge all young women and men and students to vigilantly resist GMA’s CON-ASS and the CHA-CHA manoeuvres. Together let us call on the members of the Senate and the Supreme Court to do all they could to declare illegal, null and void the proceedings of the Lower House related to passage of H.B. [House Bill] 1450. Together let us assert our citizenship rights and enjoin our people to rise above their complacency and fear, and to once again swell the streets in support of each other as we defend our country from political vultures and our right to co-determine the destiny of our society and state and promote our people’s human security.

“Charter change train starts chugging in House” from the Inquirer, posted on December 4, 2006, < >.