“Asia Media Report: A Crisis Within,” a report on media trends in Asia produced and coordinated by Inter Press Service (IPS) Asia-Pacific, is now available. In many countries in Asia, the sacred walls of separation between editorial and marketing functions are breaking down, making way for the commercialisation of media and concentration of media ownership. These, in turn, raise questions about whether media have become just another business product, and how media can live up to their function of being society’s watchdogs.

Be it in Pakistan or China, Indonesia, Thailand or India, many among the region's dominant media have metamorphosed into advertisement delivery vehicles for ever-hungry corporate masters. In other words, media, which do not look critically enough into themselves, are facing a crisis from within. “Asia Media Report: A Crisis Within” examines the different facets of this crisis.

For information on getting a copy of the report, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call + 66 2 246 7877/78 (Bangkok), + 632 499 7244 (Manila), or +91 11 243 3134 (Delhi). You may also order online at <http://www.kinibooks.com/product_info.php?products_id=633>.

For more information, visit <http://www.ipsnewsasia.net/>.