Two international media organisations invite nominations for their prestigious awards for excellent work in the field of journalism and investigative reporting. Find out how you can nominate.

IWMF Courage in Journalism Awards and Lifetime Achievement Award

The International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF), an organisation whose mission is to strengthen the role of women in the news media worldwide, is seeking nominations from around the world for its 2007 Courage in Journalism Awards and Lifetime Achievement Award.

The Courage in Journalism Awards honours women working in the news media who have demonstrated extraordinary strength of character in pursuing their profession under difficult circumstances such as government oppression, political pressure, physical danger or other intimidating obstacles.

The Lifetime Achievement Award recognises a woman journalist who has a pioneering spirit and whose determination has paved the way for future generations of women in the media. Moreover, it acknowledges women journalists who demonstrated a strong commitment to press freedom and a solid record of accomplishments in journalism.

The nominations is open for  full-time, part-time, or freelance women journalists working in print, broadcast, or online media in any country. Three women journalists will be chosen for the Courgage in Journalism Awards and one for the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Deadline for nominations is on March 15, 2007.

Contact Elisa Munoz, Director of Programs, IWMF 1625 K Street, NW, Suite 1275, Washington, DC 20006, USA at telephone number +1 (202) 496-1992 or fax number +1 (202) 496-1977.  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit <> for more details.

Global Investigative Reporting Prize

Journalists worldwide are encouraged to submit nominations for the inaugural “Global Shining Light Award,” which honours excellence in investigative reporting in a developing country or country in transition.  The award will be presented during the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Toronto, Canada.

The competition is open to any journalist, journalism team, or media outlet whose independent, investigative reporting was broadcasted or published between January 1 and December 31, 2006, and which originated in and affected a developing or emerging country. Eligible reporting must have uncovered an issue, wrong-doing, or a system of corruption that gravely affected the common good, and did so in the face of arrest, imprisonment, violence, threats, or intimidation.

Entries must be received no later than February 16, 2007.

Send entries to Sandra Bartlett, CBC National Radio News, Room 3B200C, P.O. Box 500, Station A, Toronto ON, M5W 1E6, Canada.

For more information, visit <>.