Journalists from Southeast Asia can now apply for the Southeast Asian Press Alliance’s (SEAPA) 2007 Journalism Fellowship Programme, a three-week writing scholarship. Find out how you can apply.

With this year's theme “Human Rights Versus a Culture of Impunity in Southeast Asia,” the Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA) is now accepting applications for the 2007 SEAPA Journalism Fellowship Programme.

Journalists who are citizens of any Southeast Asian nation—the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Singapore, Vietnam, Laos, Burma, Brunei Darussalam, and East Timor—are encouraged to compete for the 15 fellowships available.

The programme is open for applicants who have at least five years experience as journalists in any medium (print, TV, radio or online), either as staff of media organisations or as freelancers. They should have some background or experience in writing on social, political, and/or economic issues in their countries and an interest in writing in-depth human interest stories or investigative pieces.

Based on professional credentials and story proposals, the fellowship programme will afford fellows limited travel to a second Southeast Asian country where they can spend up to three weeks researching and writing/producing a story of their choice.

Interested individuals must submit applications on or before March 7, 2007.

Applications may be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or sent to SEAPA, 2nd Floor, TJA Building, 538/1 Samsen Road, Dusit, Bangkok 10300 Thailand.

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