The World Association of Newspapers (WAN) is offering resources including articles, interviews, photos, and cartoons, which journalists may freely use on May 3, 2007, World Press Freedom Day. Find out how you can access these resources.

In line with the annual celebration of World Press Freedom Day on May 3, the World Association of Newspapers (WAN) is offering a package of editorials, interviews, articles, essays, photos, and illustrations on the theme “Press Under Surveillance,” which can be freely used by newspapers on May 3, 2007. 

WAN calls for support for petitions that express concern at violations of the right to freedom of expression and freedom of the press. Information on the list of journalists imprisoned or killed in 2006 worldwide are also available.

The package, available in five languages—English, French, Spanish, German, and Russian, can be downloaded for free at <>.

The World Association of Newspapers is a non-profit organisation composed of newspaper associations, individual newspaper executives in 100 nations, news agencies, and regional press organisations, committed to defend and promote press freedom. Visit <>.