“Internet governance is the development and application by Governments, the private sector and civil society, in their respective roles, of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programmes that shape the evolution and use of the Internet.”
Included within this scope are issues like intellectual property, commercial use, linguistic diversity, domain names, and privacy among others.
The next discussions of global policy on the Internet will take place in December 2008 at the Internet Governance Forum in Hyderabad, India. Groups that have participated in these policy discussions include governments, academics, civil society and private sector groups.
In preparation for the next meeting of the Internet Governance Forum, interested stakeholders are welcome to submit names of people who will be included in the multi-stakeholder advisory group. The deadline for submission of names will be on 21 May 2008.
This group's mandate is to “identify emerging issues, bring them to the attention of the relevant bodies and the general public, and, where appropriate, make recommendations." However, this group has no direct decision-making authority, and only acts as a recommending body to an information society special advisor to the UN Secretary General.
The Internet Governance Forum (2008, May 13). Retrieved on May 14, 2008, from http://www.intgovforum.org/
Wikipedia (n.d.) Internet governance forum. Retrieved on May 14, 2008, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Governance_Forum
United Nations Department of Public Information. (2008, April 30). Mandate of advisory group of internet governance forum extended. Retrieved on May 14, 2008, from http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2008/pi1829.doc.htm