


On 14 February 2013, women around the world and those who love them will rise up, dance and demand an end to violence against women. This global day of action marks the fifteenth anniversary of V Day, a global movement to end violence against women. Why are we rising? Because one in three women on this planet will be beaten or raped in her lifetime. That’s one billion women violated. To end this atrocity, one billion men and women are invited to show their collective strength and solidarity to end this violence, to say, "Enough! The violence ends now."

In response to this invitation, an amazing energy has been unleashed across the globe. In almost every country of the world, thousands upon thousands of creative actions are being organized for February 14th. The One Billion Rising website provides information about events taking place in countries across the world. To find an event near you, go to the “Start/Join” and click on your country. Every country in the world from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe is listed.

For South Asia events, go to!/OneBillionRisingSouthAsia. There are pages for Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka and hundreds of inspiring posts, photos and videos of women and men, both celebrities and ordinary people, who have been organizing for months and speaking out about why they are rising to end violence against women.

Groups big and small in cities, towns and villages are organizing events involving dance as well as other acttivities. Some groups are organizing flash mobs, others are organizing workshops, roadshows, candle lighting, signature campaigns. Some are using the dance anthem “Break the Chain” created especially for this event. Break the Chain videos and music can be viewed and downloaded at Others are choosing other music and dances.

If there is no event near you, you can organize one with your group or your friends. You can even rise up and dance by yourself, knowing that you are participating in and sharing the energy of millions of others across the globe who are committed to ending violence against women.