week beginning 21 July
The campaign kit can be accessed on our homepage in English, French and Spanish.
In addition, we would like to share with you a Google doc full of tweets, posts and contact information for various executives and departments of Facebook, Twitter and Google (for YouTube): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DMN5FkRbHgSiRFjcVE8WfplWWm-f9o_uecp8je5aYtE/edit#gid=1693114217
We encourage you to start spreading the word.
We want Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to:
- Take a clear stand on violence against women in their terms of services
- Engage with diverse civil society to find solutions for safer platforms
And we want campaigners to:
- Ask: "What are you doing about violence against women?" Use our questions and tweets to request more information from these companies under #whatareyoudoingaboutVAW or #MujeryViolenciaQHacesTu
- Rate: Use our report card format to rate social media on various aspects related to violence against women.
We'll compile and share results.
- Share: Have a story about your own experience? Let us know! Tweet, film, post and blog stories. Add them anonymously to our map.
- Demand: Tell these companies what you want. Share your solutions. We'll follow up by sending them crowdsourced ideas they can put into practice.
Follow us at:
Thanks for your support!