Yogyakarta, Indonesia* - *“In disaster management, the victims are often wrongfully considered a single entity and at times are treated the same with regard to the type of aid they need.”

Jennifer Barrientos (not her real name), 38 a nurse from Philippines, is among the increasing number of Filipina and Asian women who chased their futures in marriage with Korean men through the Korea Unification Church. Today, Castillo lives with her Korean husband in Busan, more than 200 miles from the capital Seoul.

by May Cordova

[Editor’s Note: May Cordova has been living in Korea for nearly a decade. She is among the most active members of the Korea Filipino Wives’ Association, a support group dedicated to marriage migrants and in their daily negotiations as wives, mothers and in-laws in Korean family and society.]

My name is May Cordova. I am married to a Korean man and we have an 8 year old daughter. We live in Bucheon City in South Korea.

Several foreign women jumped to their deaths from balconies of condominiums that defined Singapore's skylines. The Singaporean government may have learned from these incidents because of international pressure. While some amendments have been made on its laws, being a foreign domestic worker remains like being inside the lion's den.

In September 2008, four young women from the region of Manipur, north east of India, managed to escape from recruiters, who indentured them into forced labour. These women were just among the batch of 150 young women believed to have been trafficked to Singapore.

Inez Fernandez, a staunch advocate of breastfeeding can still recall her group was placed on a defensive by media and public relations tactics when they questioned the claims made on milk advertisements on mainstream media and in the over-all packaging of dairy products last year.