Philippine civil society groups continue the clamour for justice after its own government authorised the transfer of convict Lance Corporal Daniel Smith to US custody on December 29, 2006, after he was found guilty of raping “Nicole.”

Feminists from different parts of the globe will gather in Nairobi, Kenya from January 17 to 19, 2007 for the 3rd Feminist Dialogues (FD).

This year’s theme, “Transforming Democracy: Feminist Visions and Strategies,” intends to deepen the intensive discussions on feminist perspectives and strategies in addressing fundamentalisms, militarism, and neo-liberal globalisation. The meeting will serve as a venue in creating a vital space for around 250 critical-minded feminist activists to re-examine, re-imagine, and move forward the vital political project of feminist movement building and new forms of democratic processes.

Despite many protests, United States Marine Corporal Daniel Smith was returned to US custody by an order that came from the Department of Interior and Local Government. Smith, a corporal participating in the military exercises under the Philippine-US Visiting Forces Agreement at Subic Bay, north of Manila, was found guilty of raping 23-year-old “Nicole” in November 2005. Found guilty by a local court—the Makati City Regional Trial Court—on December 4, 2006, Smith was admitted in the Makati City Jail until he was turned over to US custody on the night of December 29.

Even as the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit was postponed, women’s and feminist organisations came together for a workshop on “Women Re-claiming the ASEAN Community as a Democratic Project” at the 2nd ASEAN Civil Society Conference in Cebu, Philippines on 10-12 December. The conference was supposed to be held parallel to the Summit—where the leaders of Southeast Asian countries were supposed to talk about issues confronting the region.

Women's organisations around the world are being asked for country-level support to the  proposed women's agency in the United Nations (UN).

“Transforming Democracy: Feminist Visions and Strategies” is the theme of the 3rd Feminist Dialogues which will take place in Nairobi, Kenya from January 17 to 19, 2007.