The Perils of the Net: Online Sexual Violence

condensed from a study by the Korea Sexual Violence Relief Center (KSVRC)

A 15-year old female teenager, home from a hectic schoolday, decides to relax in a chat room. While typing away, from out of the blue, this message pops up:

“Can I see under your skirt? Come on, let’s see what’s inside of your underwear. I want to put my head down between your knees.”

Broadcasting and the Internet in Developing Countries

The following are excerpts from the report of the conference “Converging Responsibility: Broadcasting and the Internet in Developing Countries” that took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 4-6 September 1999. Isis International-Manila participated in this meeting that brought together broadcasters, media activists, regulators, NGOs, regional broadcast organisations and researchers from 35 groups and 19 countries. This report was also presented to the International Institute of Communications Conference (IIC) held on 8 September 1999 in Kuala Lumpur.