Coming a Long Way Together

chronicle of Isis International-Manila and one of the women behind it

Isis International turns 25 this October. From the homes of three women who got together in Rome, Italy in 1974 to hatch the idea of a women’s information-documentation centre, an organisation by and for women rose to help empower women the world over.

Simply Isis

Isis International takes various feminist paths in its journey from Rome to Manila

Weaving threads of continuity through the past, present and future of Isis International seems perennially part of our consciousness as Isis women. We cannot help but ask ourselves those hard questions of relevance, impact, pursuit of our original mandate, even as we scan the ever-shifting landscapes of the women's movement and of the world of information and communication that we work within. It seems inevitable for an organisation as old as ours.

Isis WICCE Continues to Bring Women Together

From its original base in the North to its home in the South, the struggle for women's emancipation goes on for our sisters in Isis-WICCE

It is a well-known fact worldwide that Isis is one of the oldest and most productive women's organisations since the 1970s, when it joined other organisations to spearhead women's emancipation. Isis visualised that effective communication enhances change of attitudes since it builds women's trust in their own ability to make decisions. Access to information, ideas, means of expression and solidarity action can enable women to participate actively in searching for solutions to common problems as perceived and defined by them.

Moving Around With Our Feet Firmly on the Ground

Sisters in Isis-Santiago describe how they have adapted and responded to the challenges posed

Up to 1983, the work of Isis developed simultaneously in two offices, one in Geneva and the other in Rome. A group of Latin American women, mostly Chilean exiles in Italy, was in charge of Isis' Spanish programmes. From 1974 to 1983, the main goal of Isis was to promote the establishment of women's associations, and also to exchange information and experiences amongst women's groups in different countries and regions of the world.