Mumbai, 20 January 2004 - "We want a safe Forum! Now! We want a safe Forum! Now!" These were the cries of women that resonated around the NESCO grounds in Goregaon, Mumbai, site of the ongoing World Social Forum (WSF) at noon today. Belonging to different women's organisations taking part in the WSF, the women denounced the rape of a South African woman delegate in the ongoing Forum.
The incident took place on Sunday morning -18 January 2004, in a Mumbai hotel where the accused, who is also from South Africa, was staying. The Times of India identified the accused as Sirajjudin Desai, a high court judge from Cape Town. He was arrested on Monday by the Cuffe Parade police in this city.
David Sanders, a health activist from South Africa who is attending the WSF, was quoted by the Times of India as saying "If this is true, I am deeply shocked because he is a highly respected figure." According to Sanders, Mr. Desai was part of the liberation struggle and although close to the power centre, was known for his fearless judgements.
Representatives of the India Organising Committee (IOC) joined the women protesters in their march around the NESCO grounds today. "We are one with you in condemning this incident," said one of their speakers. Yesterday, the IOC issued a statement saying, "We have also been informed that there have been other instances of sexual harassment of some of the women and transgender delegates which we equally condemn. We believe that another world is possible only when violence against women stops."
Sunila Abeysekera, of INFORM, a human rights organisation based in Sri Lanka and one of the organisers of the protest march said "I was very shocked. When you have a huge group like this, it [seems] more than inevitable. This underlines the need to struggle against violence against women in every level of society."
Women's groups present in this Forum demanded that during today's official closing ceremony, the Organising Committee make a concrete commitment to making future World Social Fora safe for women.