Women and Sustainable Development

Some thoughts on development and sustainable development p10
by Kamla Bhasin

Consumption patterns of the North - the cause of environmental destruction and poverty in the South p19
by Maria Mies

Women's perspectives: towards an ethical, equitable, just and sustainable livelihood in the 21st century p28
by Peggy Antrobus and Judithe Bizot

Women, waste and planet safety - proposal for a North South alliance p36
by Devaki Jain

Introduction to case studies

The Penan of Sarawak p43

Mrs Njeri's Farm p44

Soil and water conservation: Mwethya groups in Kenya p45

Women's book on environment launched p46

Indians march for salt p47
by Angela Castellanos

Greening takes root p49
by Rebecca Katumba and W. Akute

Resisting the industrial invasion p52
by Shree Venkatram

The Chipko Movement - a poem p55
by Ghanshyam 'Shalland'

Indigenous women, environment and sustainable development p56
by Victoria Tauli-Corpuz

Women, environment and development from a northern perspective p62
by Wendy Harcourt

Custom - a poem p66
by Grace Meza Molisa

After the Earth Summit women take action p67
by Cristina B. Bontuyan

Statement policies

UNCED accords: focus on women p68


Extracts from: If the world were a village of 1,000 people p69

Statement on population and the environment p70

A declaration of interdependence p72


The United Nations' approach to women and development p74

The environment economy and the well-being of people - Canadian style p75

Defending the land, defending their livelihood - Women of KAMMI in the Philippines p76

Law network established p77


Selected bibliography on sustainable
development p78

Women In Action covers a broad range of issues affecting women globally, but focusing on the particular needs and concerns of women in the Global South, and forwarding a progressive perspective tempered by the experiences of the third world women's movements.

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