In an age of increasing globalisation, much attention and resources have been poured to strengthen and expand co-operatives, as a means of economically empowering grassroots communities. Despite growing interest in the establishment and operations of co-operatives, much remains to be desired in the economic condition of women. Asian Women in Co-operative Development Forum (AWCF) is looking towards a programme of capacity building, and ICT training to enhance capacities of their member cooperatives in the region.

"Attacks on press freedom often go hand in hand with attacks on all other freedoms and rights. This is especially true in the countryside where media, however flawed, is seen as the chief protector of the "little people", National Union of Journalists of the Philippines President Inday Espina-Varona said. "In the countryside, radio is as strong as the rule of law is weak", she added.

“Community Radio: A user’s guide to the technology,” is a new technical manual released by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). Aimed at potential community radio operators, the manual will support the Indian government's vision of establishing 4000 community radio stations by 2008. Find out how you can get a free copy.

Isis International-Manila, in collaboration with W-ing, a women's organisation based in South Korea, held “WATCH: Women Advocating Through Cinema Human Rights Film Screening,” a film screening highlighting Korean and Filipino women filmmakers’ works. Held on November 29, the screening featured films that describe the shifting relations of women's lives and changing identities along a path of empowerment.

Both a website and a global radio show, Radio 1812 provides broadcast materials and resources on migration, especially during the celebration of International Migrants Day every December 18. Radio 1812 also invites local radio stations worldwide to share their broadcast materials online.

When the mainstream government-controlled media ignored the largest public rally in the country in recent years, protesters calling for free and fair elections resorted to alternative means, such as the Internet, to inform the public of their call.