“ICT in Disaster Management” has just been released by the Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme (APDIP). This e-Note looks at the important role modern and traditional ICT play in disaster management. Find out how you can access this report.

Thai legislators has just passed the Computer Related Offences Bill, by voting 119 to 1 at the National Assembly on May 9. Press freedom activists however are concerned that this is the government’s way to crack down on free expression since the draft law will give the government the legal muscle to curb online expression.

Eight indigenous community radio stations will reach the airwaves in Venezuela in October this year. With programmes in indigenous languages, the community radio stations are envisioned to be a means to preserve indigenous culture and empower indigenous communities.

Three publications are now available online. One delves on the right to access information, teaching the readers the steps to take in organising a campaign on access to information. The second is an easy-to-use self-training module on documentary making. And the third publication explains the practical and technical issues of computer use in the context of defending human rights. Find out how to access these resources.

World Press Freedom Day 2007—A UNESCO-organised conference on press freedom called for securing journalist safety and combating impunity, as violence against journalists continue to increase and women journalists become more particularly vulnerable.

Fiji-based femLINKPACIFIC has just launched its new website with the aim of strengthening links with the women’s media initiatives networks and promote the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on “Women, Peace and Security.”