To keep citizens informed on Arab legislations and regulations is the aim of the new online legislative database housed at the Arab Center for the Development of the Rule of Law and Integrity (ACRLI) website. Find out how this can serve as a tool in protecting citizens' rights in the Middle East.

Applicants are now accepted for the 2007 Video Advocacy Institute, an intensive programme on integrating video advocacy in campaigns. Find out how to participate.

Join the Women’s International Network of the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC-WIN) as it celebrates this year's International Women's Day with an internet broadcast on UN Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and security. Find out how you can participate.

International environmental activists are warning the public about the possible deluge of e-waste in developing countries resulting from the use of Microsoft’s Windows Vista, a new operating system. Launched in January, Vista may cause the retirement of old computers, and increase computer scrap.

Media practitioners covering serious social, political, or cultural issues in developing countries in innovative and creative ways are invited to apply for the One World Media Awards 2007. Find out how to send entries.

India’s Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is now accepting applicants for its community radio licenses. This has been the result of India's policy in mid-November last year that opened its non-commercial community radio broadcasting. Find out more information on how to apply.