The Dream Lives On
by Marilee Karl

The story of Isis International.

Three Generations
by Mavic Cabrera-Balleza
A grandmother, a mother and a daughter support each other in the struggle for women's equality. p18

Cover Story: Perfect Pair
by Luz Maria Martinez
Indu and Tehreema Mitha take center state in Pakistan's dance scene. p22

Changing All the Rules
by Hayat Imam
Revolutions alone will not ensure a woman's place in society, says Princess Nemenzo. p28

The Diplomat
by Hayat Imam
Oyie Javate de Dios: Her mission is to main stream feminist theories.

Thoughts on the World Conference on Women
by Chuan Renyan, translated by Sophia Woodman
A Chinese woman finds the courage to speak. p36

Who's Afraid of Feminism?
Are you? Read and dispel your fears. p40

Media Matters
by Luz Maria Matinez
Has mass communication made societies more selfish, brutal and patriarchal? p62

A Veil Over the East
from the South China Morning Post
In Indonesia and Malaysia, Islam is resurging. p67

Hints on the Road to Well-Being
by Pennie
Azarcon-dela Cruz
Isis and Other Guides to Health reviewed. p80



Editorial p1

Feedback p4

Clips p6

Isis Collections
Books and videos from the shelves of Isis. p47

Books in My Mind
by Kulasang Kulelat
What does it mean when about books you start dreaming? p59

Women in Action: Breaking the Mould
by Luz Maria Martinez p73

One on One: Making (Radio) Waves in the Pacific
by Irene R. Chia
Doreen Sam makes a splash in the Solomon Islands p75

Women In Action covers a broad range of issues affecting women globally, but focusing on the particular needs and concerns of women in the Global South, and forwarding a progressive perspective tempered by the experiences of the third world women's movements.
Cover photo and photos for Perfect Psiir by William Baron.
All other photos from the files of Isis International-Manila.
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